Join the discussion on mobiles in human rights!

Posted by KatrinVerclas on Nov 28, 2007

Just back from MobileActive07 in Brazil (more on that shortly!) we are immediately jumping into sharing some of our learnings in an online discussion on using mobiles in human rights work over with our colleagues at New Tactics. Please join us there where we'll be dicussing with human rights practitioners all over the world question like:

1) How are you using mobiles in human rights work?

2. What support systems to be in place? What are these support systems and why are these important for the successful use of mobile phones?  (e.g., the pre-requisite of establishing relationships that are then enhanced by mobile phone use; radio announcements to promote the mobile phone number/campaign; technical capacity and understanding, etc)  

3) What mobile phone technologies and/or services are particularly suitable for human rights advocates?

4) What are the security implications of using mobile phones in your work, and how do you mitigate against them?

5) What tools can you recommend for SMS aggregation, sending, reporting, etc?  How did they work?

We are looking to hearing from you over at New Tactics -- please join the conversation! 


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