
Posted by PrabhasPokharel on Apr 20, 2010
Organization that developed the Tool: 
Main Contact: 
Nathan Freitas
Problem or Need: 

Mobile communications are very easily surveilled. There is a need for anonymity services so that monitoring governments and networks cannot track user activities. This tracking should be prevented even if the surveilling party has information about what websites or information the user is browsing.


Main Contact Email : 
Brief Description: 

Orbot provides an anonymity engine which implements Tor on the Android Operating System. When coupled with a browser, or instant messaging client, Orbot can disguise the source of activities on the Internet. Anybody monitoring the connection to the internet-based service will not be able to tell the source of the web transation.


Tool Category: 
App resides and runs on a mobile phone
Key Features : 

Orbot is an application that allows mobile phone users to access the web, instant messaging and email without being monitored or blocked by their mobile internet service provider. Orbot brings the features and functionality of Tor (see technical overview or lay man's guide) to the Android mobile operating system.

Main Services: 
Tool Maturity: 
Currently deployed
Release Date: 
Program/Code Language: 
Support Forums: 
Languages supported: 
Handsets/devices supported: 
Android 1.x (without rooting), Android 2.x (with root).
Orbot and similar tools were analyzed in MobileActive's guide to Secure Citizen Journalism: http://mobileactive.org/mobilesecurity-citizenjournalism
Is the Tool's Code Available?: 
URL for license: 
Is an API available to interface with your tool?: 

Orbot Locations

You need to upgrade your Flash Player

Tagged With:

Orbot data sheet 5513 Views
Organization that developed the Tool: 
Main Contact: 
Nathan Freitas
Problem or Need: 

Mobile communications are very easily surveilled. There is a need for anonymity services so that monitoring governments and networks cannot track user activities. This tracking should be prevented even if the surveilling party has information about what websites or information the user is browsing.


Main Contact Email : 
Brief Description: 

Orbot provides an anonymity engine which implements Tor on the Android Operating System. When coupled with a browser, or instant messaging client, Orbot can disguise the source of activities on the Internet. Anybody monitoring the connection to the internet-based service will not be able to tell the source of the web transation.


Tool Category: 
App resides and runs on a mobile phone
Key Features : 

Orbot is an application that allows mobile phone users to access the web, instant messaging and email without being monitored or blocked by their mobile internet service provider. Orbot brings the features and functionality of Tor (see technical overview or lay man's guide) to the Android mobile operating system.

Main Services: 
Tool Maturity: 
Currently deployed
Release Date: 
Program/Code Language: 
Support Forums: 
Languages supported: 
Handsets/devices supported: 
Android 1.x (without rooting), Android 2.x (with root).
Orbot and similar tools were analyzed in MobileActive's guide to Secure Citizen Journalism: http://mobileactive.org/mobilesecurity-citizenjournalism
Is the Tool's Code Available?: 
URL for license: 
Is an API available to interface with your tool?: 

Orbot Locations

You need to upgrade your Flash Player

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