mobile monitor

Telecoms and Human Rights: A 5-Step Plan Every Rights-Respecting Telco Should Take

Posted by KatrinVerclas on Aug 11, 2011

Telcos or mobile operators have been in the news lately, implicated in the suppression of communications, tracking and surveillance of pro-democracy and human rights activists, and in their close collaboration with repressive regimes and their security apparatuses around the world. Now there is a new initiative spearheaded by advocacy organization Access Now that advocates for mobile operators to sign a set of five principles focused on human and democratic rights in return for their licenses.

Nothing New: How Cozy Telcos Are With Repressive Regimes

Vodafone's recent decision to shut down its communications network in Egypt and the delivery of pro-government propaganda via text message over its network made the news but that was just the tip of the iceberg. The examples abound: Uganda operators monitored and blocked certain SMS keywords in the advent of the recent election there, pro-Zanu propaganda is widely delivered over Zimbabwean operator networks, Russian mobile operators agreed to 'police' the Internet and their networks at the behest of the Russian government, and Belarussian telcos routinely supply information to the security police, including location information of known political activists.

This close collaboration of many operators with repressive states has been going on for some time but there is now a new activist movement forming, holding telcos accountable and to a higher standard. Led by activist shareholders and advocacy organizations like Access, activists point out that the negative publicity of this corporate behavior carries  financial implications that pose a risk to telco investors.

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We Need Your Help: Building a SIM Card Registration Database

Posted by KatrinVerclas on Jul 27, 2011

We are developing a global database of SIM cards registrations by country, and we need your help. Please fill out this short survey. We ask you a few questions about a particular country's requirements.

Note: This survey will not track identifying information. We will publish the complete database on the site shortly with the data that we have gathered to date. The survey is here. Thanks!

Photo courtesy flickr user bfishshadow.